A Look Back Into My Past Week + Where I Am At


i am extremely sorry that i didn’t post yesterday and stick to my schedule! i have many reasons for it, but the main reason is school. it’s only been a week and i have been swamped by work that i am trying really hard to do the best in! so i’m sorry if i haven’t been posting as usual and if it continues that way!

so, i thought today would be another sit-down post where i just tell you a little bit about me!

current mood: the happiest i have ever been. 

it’s incredible! i am excited to go to school and i am making more and more friends, people who i have always wanted to talk to. last year was a tough year for me and i came home many days often crying and upset because my friendship had taken a turn for the worse and unfortunately i was often alone at lunch. but by the end of the year, i had made some amazing friends who i can see myself with for a very long time.

also, i am finally myself. i have always had this part of me that seemed hidden and being around these people finally allowed myself to be who i am and who i have always wanted to be comfortably. we are a group where we are focused on our studies, but we also recognise that having fun with friends is always the best! most days i hang out with my friends after school with enough time to come home and do schoolwork. we are non-judgemental and recognise each other’s differences. i love them all!!!

on the topic of meeting new people, today i became friends with someone who i had known through a friend, but we never actually talked. i realised how great she was! i’m hoping to meet many new people this year.

also, my classes this year are the best! my teachers are also amazing, but i often don’t mind going to class these days. i have many inside jokes with friends and myself that make the experience all the better and i am focusing much better on my studies.

i’m hoping 2018 is going to be my year!

how has your week been so far?

2 thoughts on “A Look Back Into My Past Week + Where I Am At

  1. Pingback: Nominated for Sunshine Award – trevorlt7

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